Everett's Projects

A place to write about and share anything I find interesting

  • Zola-folio Theme

    Moving this blog to Zola and forking my old Jekyll Theme

  • How to Simulate the Brier 10,000 Times and Still Lose

    Using data to try and win my first sports pool

  • Birb Cam Grad-CAM

    Gaining insight into what the Birb Cam Sees with Grad-CAM

  • Sharing Birb Cam Observations with the World Through iNaturalist

    Integrating iNaturalist into the Birb Cam using pyinaturalist

  • Birb Cam

    Automated Bird Watching with Computer Vision.

  • Hockey Modeling - Less Code, More Math! (Part 4)

    The mathematics that make my updated hockey model work. Predicting if a win is in shootout or overtime from the model variables.

  • Hockey Modeling - Less Code, More Math! (Part 3)

    The mathematics that make my updated hockey model work. Predicting the home team win probability in overtime or shootout from model variables.

  • Hockey Modeling - Less Code, More Math! (Part 2)

    The mathematics that make my updated hockey model work. Predicting the regulation time score probabilities from the model variables.

  • Hockey Modeling - Less Code, More Math! (Part 1)

    The mathematics that make my updated hockey model work. Incorporating win/loss data using probability theory and calculus.

  • Modeling the NHL Better

    Leveraging Bayesian updating effectively to create a more responsive hockey game prediction model.

  • Adventures In DevOps: CICD Pipelines

    How I use AWS CodePipeline, CodeBuild, and CloudFormation to continuously deploy this blog and automatically update from commits to the master branch on GitHub!

  • A Puzzling Proposal

    The set of puzzles I designed and made my fiance solve to find the site of my marriage proposal. Can you solve them?

  • Visuair

    A cloud based data analytics application for extrapolating air quality data. Completed for the Georgia Tech OMSA course CSE 6242 - Data and Visual Analytics.

  • Going Serverless

    A serverless blog architecture using a public website S3 bucket and AWS lambda functions to reduce hosting costs and make it easier to update with new content!

  • Is Home Ice Advantage in the NHL Real?

    A statistical analysis of home ice advantage in the NHL using Python for data acquisition and R for analysis. Models; Chi-Squared Goodness of Fit test, Wilcoxon Signed Rank test, Generalized Poisson Regression, Two-Way ANOVA.

  • Modeling the NHL

    Using Python and a PyMC3 based Bayesian hierarchical Poisson regression model to infer relative NHL team strengths and predict the outcomes of future games.

  • Attacking My MNIST Neural Net With Adversarial Examples

    Exploring the limits and fragility of my Keras MNIST digit Convolutional Neural Network through the use of adversarial examples with CleverHans

  • What Does my MNIST ConvNet Actually See?

    A deeper understanding of my Convolutional Neural Network through the visualization of filters in the hidden layers with NumPy and Matplotlib

  • Handwritten Digit Recognition with Keras

    A Convolutional Neural Network using Keras and TensorFlow that ranks well in the Kaggle MNIST handwritten digit challenge

  • A Bayesian Analysis of My D&D Dice

    An R based shiny app using Bayesian probability analysis to assess dice fairness. Know that they're fair! Or confirm that they're not! ;)

  • Alberta's Drilling History Visualized

    An R script that plots and animates the history of oil and gas drilling activity in Alberta using ST37 data retrieved via my aertidywells R package.

  • Solving Sudokus and Making an App

    An Android App written in Java and Go that solves sudoku puzzles using Donald Knuth's Dancing Links algorithm.

  • My Life As A Quant: A Neopets Stock Market Bot.

    A Python script for web scraping and interaction that programatically plays the Neopets stock market game... and earns a lot of Neopoints in the process!

  • Electric Longboards and Adrenaline Rushes

    Using a kit from diyelectricskateboard.com and other RC vehicle parts I turned an Earthwing long board deck into a high powered electric vehicle.

  • Mapping Oil and Gas Incidents in Alberta: Improvements

    Using Google Maps, JavaScript, JQuery, PHP, and MySQL I have created an improved iterative map for exploring historical oil and gas spill records in Alberta, Canada.

  • Mapping Oil and Gas Incidents in Alberta with Google Maps, JQuery, and PHP

    Using Google Maps, JavaScript, JQuery, PHP, and MySQL I have created an iterative map for exploring historical oil and gas spill records in Alberta, Canada.

  • Experimenting with EL wire: A Stickfigure Costume

    Maker project - Home made Halloween stick figure costume using EL wire

  • An Interactive Route Map for my Travel Blog

    A google maps JavaScript API powered interactive travel map for my 2013 backpacking trip through Europe.

  • Designing a secure(ish) login script with PHP and MySQL

    Learning the basics of data bases and password hashing using PHP by re-inventing the login script.

  • Arduino: Super Graphing Data Logger

    An Arduino project that records and plots sensor data without an external web server! JavaScript plots delivered via minimal local web server and an ethernet shield.

  • Has the world ended yet? A first attempt at web development

    A toy PHP based web development project. If Google isn't working it's pretty much the end of the world, right?

  • BeagleBone: Making a Home Media Server

    How to turn a BeagleBone into Home Media Server NAS device. Powered by Ubuntu, rTorrent/ruTorrent, and Samba.

  • Beaglebone: Making a Case

    A home made cardboard case for my new BeagleBone single board computer.

  • Terrarium! Nature in a Candy Jar.

    I tried to grow moss in a candy jar. Instead I ended up with everything else but moss!

  • Vetinari's Clock: A Clock that Ticks Irregularly

    My implementation of Simon Inn's Vetinari clock. Using a microcontroller the clock ticks irregularly but maintains accurate time.

  • Solar Powered Robot Bugs!

    A microcontroller free solar powered autonomous robot based on BEAM robotics principles. Robotics kit sold by Solarbotics Ltd.

  • Arduino Project: HTML to LCD

    Arduino project implementing a simple web server to connect an html page and a physical LCD screen using the ethernet shield.